Mother Cacao: Earth's Medicine for the Heart
Deep in Mother Earth's tropics lies a plant medicine that heals the heart. Far more than just chocolate in its rawest form, cacao is a...
Mother Cacao: Earth's Medicine for the Heart
A Call for the Wild Women to UNITE!
Five Symptoms of a Congested Heart Chakra and How Healing Touch can help
Healing from Trauma with Touch
The 5 Most Common Things Clients Say When Starting Their Healing Journey With Me
I kept waiting for it to get easier
My journey with the plant spirit of cannabis
5 Reasons to stop running from a mental health diagnosis
What is Soundbath healing?
Signs you are an Empath
7 Energy Terms to Know
5 Reasons every woman should watch Rachel Knox, MD Ted Talk
Supplements to Boost Energy and Mental Health
Making Your Bath a More Grounding Experience